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ex post

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Bedeutungen für ex post

It is an adjective that means Based on actual results rather than forecasts.

Antonyme für ex post

Erfahren Sie mehr über das Wort "ex post" , seine Herkunft, alternative Formen und Verwendung aus Wiktionary.

Beispiele für in einem Satz

§ 9, and first ten amendments): It may not suspend the writ of habeas corpus (except in time of war or public danger) or pass a bill of attainder or an ex post facto law; give any state a commercial preference over another; grant any title of nobility; establish or prohibit any religion, or impose
Cannady's thought-provoking directorial debut 'Ex Post Facto' premires online today
And xv.) make any treaty or alliance; coin money or make anything, save gold and silver coin, a legal tender; pass any bill of attainder or ex post facto law, or law impairing the obligation of contracts; have any but a republican form of government; grant any title of nobility; maintain slavery; ab

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