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Lautschrift von epochal

ep-uh-kuh l

Bedeutungen für epochal

Extremely important,significant or influential

Synonyme für epochal

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Beispiele für in einem Satz

But in what it called "an epochal
The lines of the treaty of Westphalia, six years later, were already laid down by Richelieu; and its epochal importance in European history is a measure of the genius who threw the balance of power from Habsburg to Bourbon.
Does the film world need another “Teenage Mutant Ninja” movie? Ready or not, here comes a big, brash reconfiguring for the digital age of the Ninja Turtles’ once insular urban legend, now expanded to epochal proportions
It's hard to believe that it has already been 45 years since two epochal societal events took place in the state of New York

Übersetzungen von epochal

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